목에 이물감호소하는 할머니..


내과에서 전과된 분이다.

목에 찐득찐득한것이 마치 풀처럼 거려서 죽겠다고 하는 분이다.

이 분 혀를 봤는데 탈수소견은 보이지 않고 약간 bold tung 소견이 관찰되었다.


bold tung이란

atrophic glossitis와 같은 표현

Plummer-Vinson syndrome sufferers often complain of a burning sensation with the tongue, and atrophy of lingual papillae produces a smooth, shiny red tongue dorsum.


glossitis, atrophic,
n (bald tongue, smooth tongue) the atrophy of the glossal papillae, resulting in a smooth tongue. The tongue may be pallid or erythematous and may appear small or enlarged. It may be associated with anemias, pellagra, vitamin B complex deficiencies, sprue, or other systemic diseases or may be local in origin. Because atrophy may be one phase, and circumscribed, painful, glossal excoriations may be another phase of one or more of the same systemic disease(s), much confusion in terminology has arisen (e.g., Moeller's glossitis; Hunter's glossitis; slick, glazed, varnished, glossy, or bald tongue; chronic superficial erythematous glossitis; glossodynia exfoliativa; beefy tongue; and pellagrous glossitis).

tung의 anatomy는..




atrophic glossitis란..

